2024 Contribution Letter
Click on the link below to receive your 2024 Contribution Letter.
Giving from the Heart
“God loves a cheerful giver.” ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7
God is the Giver of all things. We have our life and breath from Him, and as His children, He only gives us good gifts (Jam 1:17). As a result, all that we have rightfully belongs to Him; we are merely stewards of His possessions. As a result, we are called to recognize His ownership and joyfully handle the time, talents, and resources He’s given to each of us. We encourage those who consider GraceLife Bible Church their home church to be faithful, sacrificial, and cheerful in your giving to the ministry needs of our church.
Ways to Give
Online Giving
Give through a debit card, credit card, or ACH. Please note that a small fee is assessed with your gift.
Mobile Phone App
Download the “Church Center App” for your iPhone or Google Android device. Follow the prompts and locate “GraceLife Bible Church.” Click on your “Profile” and go to “My Giving.”
Cash or Check
In Person on Sundays or Mailed to the Church
The offering box is located in the back of our Worship Center. Please use the provided giving envelope.
Our Mailing Address: 8316 Helgerman Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Venmo ID: @GraceLife-BibleChurch
Questions on Giving and Biblical Stewardship
Q: Why is giving important?
GraceLife Bible church exists “to spread a passion for the greatness and grace of God… one relationship at a time.” We are a church family committed to this God-centered purpose. One of the means He has given us to accomplish this central aim is through the giving of financial resources. These resources enable us to exalt God, edify the saints, and evangelize the lost. A heart that cherishes God’s glory in the world will be cheerful to give to this cause (2 Cor 9:7).
Furthermore, biblical giving is expected of the Lord Jesus. He said in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Jesus gave the NT principle that believers ought to give. He did not state an amount or percentage, but gave the expectation that Christians ought to give regularly (1 Cor 16:2), generously (1 Tim 6:18), voluntarily (2 Cor 9:7), and cheerfully (2 Cor 9:7).
Lastly, to give cheerfully and generously to the Lord as an act of worship displays that God is our Treasure, not money. It is our joy to love God first and foremost, and to invest in heavenly rewards, rather than earthly and temporal treasure (Matt 6:19–21).
Q: Isn’t online giving impersonal?
Giving is an act of worship and like any other act of worship, it is first and foremost a matter of the heart (Matt 15:8; John 4:24). A person can certainly be guilty of giving in a heartless, disconnected way online. But that person can give in a heartless, disconnected way in person as well. It is the responsibility of our church to teach and practice joyful, worshipful giving whether it is done in-person or online. It is the responsibility of every Christian to love God and give cheerfully with the right motives (2 Cor 9:7).
Q: Why does GraceLife Bible Church provide “online giving”?
We believe that physical cash and checks will continue to be a desired choice of giving for many years to come. We also prefer other methods of electronic giving (i.e. Venmo) where the church does not incur fees to accept a person’s giving. But a growing number of people desire the ease that online giving provides. In today’s culture, many young people have become familiar and even dependent upon electronic financial solutions. Therefore, to provide an alternative for the technically inclined opens up an opportunity for believers to give and to grow in their biblical stewardship.
Q: If the Bible discourages debt, why does GraceLife Bible accept credit card donations?
Used wisely, credit cards (in contrast to debit cards and electronic checks) can be efficient tools for making payments and purchases. Many people utilize them in place of paper checks or cash for their regular financial transactions. However, we strongly discourage and even admonish anyone who does not pay their credit card bills in full each month and incurring debt by using credit cards to donate to GraceLife Bible Church (Prov 22:7).
Q: Can I gift a stock or security?
GraceLife Bible Church accepts gifts of stocks or other securities. Gifting securities entitles you to a tax deduction for their market value (not just your cost basis, i.e. what you paid for them). If the securities you wish to donate have been owned by you for more than one year, you can avoid capital gains tax on their appreciation by donating them rather than selling them and then, donating the proceeds. GBC benefits by selling the securities without paying taxes on the gain, and you benefit for making a contribution that would be larger than what you might have been able to donate in cash.
Before you decide to donate securities, please consider the following:
If your securities have increased in value, you normally DO NOT want to sell them, but rather, transfer (give) the shares “in kind” to GraceLife Bible Church. This may enable you to avoid paying income tax on the growth (capital gain). As a result, you will be making a larger gift and receiving a larger tax deduction.
If your securities have decreased in value, then it is usually better for you to sell them first, realize the loss, and donate the cash from the sale of the securities to GraceLife Bible Church. This may offer you an opportunity to deduct the securities’ loss in value on your tax return. You will still receive a tax deduction equal to the value of your gift, but the loss in value of the investment can also be used (with limitations) to offset other investment gains or income when you complete your income tax return.